Sunday, October 13, 2013

Book Review: Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yes! Beautiful Disaster is finally in my 'just read' bookshelf! Reading it gave me a pretty good mix of getting swooned and getting mad. That being said, the effect on me is instantly positive.

Where to begin?

In this contemporary, new adult novel of Jamie McGuire, another couple that's initially fire-ice or water-oil, will find their happy ending with each other after facing a road which by the way, I would never want to trod.

Meet the hunky-hot body Travis Maddox-- the badboy. He's got tattoo all over this arms, has got a shaved head and deep hazel eyes which looks to kill, adds to his killer charisma. He lives by fighting-- and I'm saying that in a literal way. He's oozing with sex appeal and his presence is spitting hotness that's why he's so in with the chicks. Travis, being all these made Abby Abernathy, have an indifferent relationship towards him. She doesn't hate him; Abby just doesn't want to be around Trav. Well, I can't blame her because it's a person's natural instinct to avoid anything that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E and Travis is the living epitome of that. At first Abby seemed to be the typical good-girl heroine depicted in most books with the same plot but lo and behold, my instinct that there's something going on with Abby's character, is right!

The idea is not really new but the setting and storyline sets it apart from the rest. Beautiful Disaster is set in a, what do i call, make-shift university because sometimes at night, underground UFC *laughs* happens in the basement of school buildings. Of course money is involved and all, but what for me really thing was that, 'they were never caught, even once before?' Pushing that thought aside now, I was thinking of the best adjective to describe the entirety of this whole story. I'm struggling but at the moment, at least, the word 'crazy' and all other synonyms seemed to be the perfect adjective. I find the story crazy! Why? Well, first card, would a girl really enter a bet that might make her sleep in a guy's from for a month? CRAZY! Next, do 19 year-olds who fell in love would just decide to fly to Vegas to get married? CRAZY! Third, Abby plays poker to pay his dad's debt. That's crazy, but she's such a kind daughter and cool as well. There are whole lots of other craziness going on inside this book; too much for me to handle, but I find those kind of crazies too sweet. I guess, this is the part of love which I don't really understand. I mean, you just have to be in their own shoes to get why they did it, you know.

The hard-as-rock Trav is head-over-heels in love with Abby and he was tamed. So in the end, you think that these kind of stories aren't new but actually, they never get old. So right now, I just need to read the rest of the series to know what happens next.

Beautiful Disaster isn't a disaster at all! It's a good read and the book is very hard to put down! Soooo recommended!


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