Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Book Review: Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover (Slammed #2)

Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2)Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All I can say is that, Point of Retreat did not disappoint any bit of me. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised to like it a lot because I was preparing my self that it won't be as damn beautiful as the first. Colleen Hoover made me love her to bits and right now, I cannot wait to read the last installment of the Slammed series. Yes, this series is on a great pedestal for me right now. Yup, that, that good!

To be honest, one of the major plus factor, not only with this book but about the entire series is the Slam Poetry. I think that it was plain genius and actually, I myself, would like to try it. Another thing is the change of perspective. In Slammed, the story was written in Layken's eyes but in Point of Retreat, it was written in Will's. It was weird to see the side of Will, the character that Hoover is trying to portray him. At some point, I thought that he was a bit soft and girly, and I just thought that it was probably because a girl wrote it. Nonetheless, this strategy worked for me. I would say that the plot worked for me too. Enough shock and giddiness-- I actually think that it was better rather than expecting worse conflicts. Even the thought scares me. Also, it is so great that this series didn't revolve solely on the two leads-- Lake and Will-- but also to the rest as well. Each time, there is growth and while reading, you'll realize that they're essential part of the story, not just fillers and all.

So, time for my own suck and sweet...
My suck for this book would be Kiersten. She's no 12. I refuse to believe she's 12. It not realistic, her wisdom that is. Haha! Sorry, it's not really a suck but I can't believe those things she said came from her mouth.
My sweet is probably being able to read this book and just go on with the next.

Read Slammed, then read this, and then the next. This series has got to be one of the best contemporary NA that I was able to read. Heads up!

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